A little while ago, it was suggested to me that a modern GP should have their own website. Being a nearly post-modern GP I thought I had better get on the program and so began a process that is not as easy as it seems. After a few false starts, here it is, although it is still a work in progress.

Having taken a few photos over the last couple of years, I felt I could combine elements of images and medicine. Some of the photos that are displayed here were visible on the second screen in my old consulting room, so if you are a patient and have seen some of them already, you can see more here.

There are groups of photos below, starting with the Sunset Coast where I live and work and then further afield, both local and abroad which is now reachable with the decline in Covid numbers.

There is access to some health information on the next page that will hopefully increase at regular intervals. Contact details are on the last page.

The photos are best viewed on the largest screen you may have and/or press F11 or the green button on a Mac.

A few photos have relevant links hidden inside them as well so watch for the hand to appear.