Some Useful Websites - in no particular order.

General Medical Information from WA and the UK - Healthy WA Patient Info.

Dermatology Information - Melanoma

Covid Information - Australian Covid Data Covid Live World Covid Data

WA Virus Information - Virus Watch

Perth ED Data - Perth ED Data

How Long Will I Live? - Australian Life Tables

Cardiovascular Risk - CVS Risk Information Calcium Score

Allergy Information - Pollen Count Allergy 250K ASCIA

Child Care - Ngala

What Happened to Pap Smears? - CST Program

Online Mental Health -Mood Gym This Way Up

Headache Information from Australia and the US - Headache Australia Headache Relief

Travel Health from the US - CDC Travel

Aged Care - My Aged Care Australia

Dementia Information - Alzheimer's WA

Could I Have a Rare Disease? - Rare Voices Australia Health Department Information

Myeloma/MGUS - Myeloma MGUS

Cameras - Canon Mirrorless Fujifilm x100v

Photography - iPhotography Kelby One fStoppers PhotoPills Adobe Blue Tongue Photo Tours